Aguaviva Brasil Cachaca (Rhum) Silver 750ml (84 proof)

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  2. Aguaviva Brasil Cachaca (Rhum) Silver 750ml (84 proof)

Strength: 42% ABV (84 proof).

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Product description

Description: Aguaviva is a family run distillery(Destilaria Rocha family)  producing Cachaca since 1902. Located in Rio de Janeiro with 100% sustainable operation. Produce under bio-dynamic production without additives. Aguaviva manually grinds the entire sugarcane to make a refined high-quality Cachaca. The influence of African migration in Brazil is undeniable. The Orishas brought with them their beliefs that evolved to the local candomblé. Aguaviva chose the egúngún as a symbol of their respect for nature and the land. That is why our cachaça is produced under the bio-dynamic production process, where we exclude the use of artificial chemicals on soil and plants. Cachaca (Rhum)

Definition: Rum production is based on traditional styles that vary between locations and distillers. Most rum is made from molasses distillation (Sugar cane by-product). Within the Caribbean, much of this molasses is from Brazil. A notable exception is the French-speaking islands (French West Indies style), where sugarcane juice is the preferred ingredient that goes directly to distillation.

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