Carvalho, Ribeiro, & Ferreira XO Fine & Rare Brandy 700ml (80 proof) CRF

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Product description

Note: Also known as CR&F, No coloring added (dark color created from extended oak aging), distilled in wood fire cooper stills.

Description: Since 1895, Carvalho, Ribeiro & Ferreira has carried the legacy of the best Portuguese brandies. It was a long process, selecting old lots that involved producers from the region and their enormous capacity to revisit and qualify old lots. In these batches, brandies of various ages were selected within in a Solera system, the oldest barrels was 30 years old with the youngest barrels are no less than 11 years old with the average calculate age of 22 years. The final blend results from the distillation of various brandies from the region's grape varieties, all kept over time in French oak and carefully selected. Each batch/lot made will be the best available for that year. Region/grapes might vary from lot to lot. Average age will have small variations. The final blend will be made to ensure the profile stays true to the previous blend.

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