Elephant London Dry Gin 750ml

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Strength: 45% ABV (90 proof). Method: Artisan copper pot still.

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Product description

Description: Elephant Gin produces award-winning handcrafted premium gin made with 14 botanicals, including rare African botanicals, and fresh apples. The subtle juniper nose invites you in to a complex and smooth body, with floral, fruit and spice notes on the palate. With every full size bottle sold, Elephant Gin contributes 15% of profits to elephant conservation charities including Big Life Foundation and Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Gin Definition: Base spirit is made by fermenting & distilling almost any agricultural product (known as a wash or mash)- most use corn, barley, or wheat. Then it is redistilled with Juniper berries, the dominant botanical, along with other botanicals of the distillers choice (anise, angelica, orris and/or licorice root, savory, coriander, citrus peel, etc.).


Gin Styles: LONDON DRY- A legal specification, with no geographic protection, can be made anywhere but must be distilled to at least 70% ABV. The dominant botanical must be Juniper and may not contain artificial flavors/colors/sweeteners.

Cocktail Suggestion: "Bees Knees" : Add 2oz gin, 3/4 oz lemon juice and 1/2 oz honey syrup to cocktail shaker with ice and shake until well chilled. Strain into chilled cocktail glass, without ice. Garnish with a lemon or orange twist. Enjoy and repeat.

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