Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 2022 Vallevo 750ml

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  3. Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 2022 Vallevo 750ml

Grape: Montepulciano. Region: Italy> Abruzzi. Notes: Stainless steel tank, no oak. Tannin: medium. Acidity: Med.

Article code:
emporium-vallevo montepulciano d'abrusso
In stock (60)

Product description

Description: Coming from the central Italy along the Adriatic Sea, Montepulciano d’Abruzzo is one of most popular everyday wines in the US. Fruity, smooth, lively and balanced, no wonder why we love this easygoing, versatile red. This is a great house wine and party wine for all occasions. Produced by a co-op of grape farmers, this crowd pleaser keeps its price attractively low.

Food pairing: Versatile, from cheese, anything with tomato sauce to burger and pasta, etc.