Potter Valley Sauvignon Blanc 20223 Blue Quail 750ml

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  2. Potter Valley Sauvignon Blanc 20223 Blue Quail 750ml

Grape: Sauvignon Blanc. Region: USA> California> Mendocino> Potter Valley. Notes: Organic. Stainless steel tank (no oak). Old vines. No malolactic fermentation.

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In stock (11)

Product description

Description: Blue Quail Sauvignon Blanc has great aromas and flavors of orange blossom, jasmine, honeydew melon, spice and grapefruity citrus. Crisp, lively with good acid with a long lingering finish. Guinness McFadden has been growing grapes organically for over 40 years. He planted his vineyard on a beautiful piece of land that straddles the Russian River, neighbors the Mendocino National Forest, and sits at an altitude of 1,200 feet. Temperatures regularly plummet at night, allowing a longer maturation period. In this climate, grapes develop a fullness of flavor that is balanced by a crisp acidity.

Food pairing: Light meal with white meat, seafood, etc.

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